- Simulating particle creation in an expanding universe using quantum computers
- International collaboration sheds new light on the relationship between quantum theory and thermodynamics
- Balancing the pressure: How plant cells protect their vacuoles
- COP30 president urges most 'ambitious' emissions targets possible
- Hong Kong scientists fight to save fragrant incense trees
- Scientists achieve optical control of phase and group velocities in everyday liquids
- AI starts to help India's struggling farms
- New law in Brazil is making students put away their smartphones at school
- The number of snakes removed from this Australian yard will make you shudder
- Dutch space instrument SPEXone produces world map of aerosols
- Elections mean more misinformation. Here's how it spreads in migrant communities
- Mandatory minimum sentencing is proven to be bad policy. It won't stop hate crimes
- Native bee populations can bounce back after honey bees move out
- Q&A: What to know about the earthquakes near Santorini
- Q&A: Photoproduction creates medicine from waste