The automobile was first invented and perfected in Germany and France in the late 1800s, though Americans quickly came to dominate the automotive industry in
The Automobile was first created in Germany and France in the 1800’s time period then Americans stole the idea such as Henry Ford from America instead of crediting the real makers of the vehicles overall in general finding something which was invented in America outside of stealing someone else is very rare for example Bill gates stole Dos of Gary as a good example. https://www.cardealerreviews.org/
Why were these invented instead of just say walking or using horses? The big reason for why was in regards to how long it would take someone to travel by foot or horse compared to the speed of cars overall for example average horse can go a max speed of 40 miles per hours but now car can go to a max speed of like 300 miles per hours so a difference of roughly 260 miles at the moment it could be more in the future and also horses need food or water or rest time a car does not need a rest overall since it’s a machine or not alive overall.
After Germany lost world war 2 they were not allowed anymore to build say tanks or weapon themed things but since a lot of German people are intelligent or talented at building or anything more less they made many impressive car advantages such as look at BMW they make fantastic cars thanks to hardworking of typical German person overall for why they are still popular the best make of cars in the world and fair superior to American Ford cars in the majority of cases.
You could argue that cars give a person status which I think is a big reason for why so many people love BMW since it’s high end brand with high end parts or quality in any vehicle they make overall and you can buy one today and it will easily last say 20 years or more by the high standards most Germanic people put into how they make any product or food or anything else which is a big reason I admire so many people from this country for many incredible things they made past or present alike overall.
Karl Benz which you may see a name in regards to Mercedes Benz you know which is why these vehicles are still some of the best in the world which again comes from Germany showing they basically pioneered the whole automotive industry overall was engine designer or car designer as well had good head on his shoulders overall part of why so many people who take cars seriously will often credit many of the success we get today to the many incredible things this one man managed to complete in his lifetime overall.
Andre Citroen was a French man which many people can see the name which many people know all around the world called Citroen which he named after himself they alone made many impressive car feet which we can still be grateful for what we can do now in regards to what he did to make cars run better or more efficient overall which him naming the first brand or cars he made after himself is what most people remember him for doing but overall he done many interesting or smart things overall such as he invented weapons used during world war which many people credit him for designing helping to allow in theory war to go better for his countryside.
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